Building empowerment, self-confidence and connection through candid education and compassionate advocacy for all families before, during and after pregnancy.
Building empowerment, self-confidence and connection through candid education and compassionate advocacy for all families before, during and after pregnancy. TM
Learn More About our Classes and Services
Shining Light and Deena Blumenfeld have been featured all over!
Beyond the basics, our private classes and coaching are no baloney, comprehensive & engaging. Childbirth education, breastfeeding information, and how to care for baby are all on the list.
Your best birth can be had with the support and advocacy of a doula during labor and postpartum. I offer the highest level of service in Pittsburgh.
You can grow and achieve higher levels of professional success with our trainings, seminars and workshops for both childbirth professionals and yoga teachers.
I have no shame and no filters and that’s what makes my classes so badass.
Twelve years now, I’ve been working with pregnant families. I’ve seen it all and I get where you are coming from. I understand your needs and your fears, your hopes and your doubts.
I guarantee that I will always be honest with you and I will provide the information and resources you need to be successful in your birth and parenting goals.
Since 2012, Shining Light has been the foremost independent provider of childbirth education, doula services and family support in the Pittsburgh area. We are the only place where you can find education, yoga, and support services from fertility through pregnancy and childbirth and into early parenthood under one roof.
This continuity of care, combined with the highest level of service offered in Allegheny County, provides you with all of the resources you need under one roof.
Our classes are intentionally small to better treat our clients as individuals. This also allows our instructors to customize classes as needed. This small class size also gives you the ability to ask your questions in a safe environment and to make strong connections with your classmates.
We support your needs by providing evidence-based information in a warm, open and accessible manner. Add in a bit of yoga and you’ve got full preparation for birth and beyond.
All families and family structures are welcome.
Whether you already work with pregnant or new mothers or you are looking to do so, Shining Light has the tools you need.
Our Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training and other continuing education workshops are for current yoga teachers to further their careers.
Private professional development for childbirth educators and doulas is also available.
What are you waiting for?
Once upon a time, there was a pregnant mother who’s schedule was a bit crazy. She and her partner decided that they needed a childbirth class on their terms and that a private session was the best way to meet their goals.
There was also a family who was rather high-profile and wasn’t comfortable in a group class. So, they scheduled a private childbirth class.
Then there was the family who had some rather unique medical complications who needed some TLC and they, too, scheduled a private class.
Yet another family wanted to try to get pregnant, but they were apprehensive and needed guidance to work through their worries and create the emotionally safe environment they needed for a baby. Yes, they also scheduled some private coaching.
The joy of a private class, or personal coaching, is that you get exactly what you know you need and a number of things you didn’t know you needed till you got started. Work with me, and together, we’ll fill those needs such that you are confident and ready for what lies ahead.
All of Deena’s prenatal, postpartum, and fertility yoga classes are now private, one-on-one sessions available from the comfort of your own home.
“Our little one has finally arrived and we wanted to thank you for all of the information you gave us during our classes.
I specifically wanted to thank you for your lessons on communication skills because despite having a prolonged and stressful labor I never felt like I didn’t have a choice or that my doctors weren’t doing everything they could to help me labor naturally.”
Shining Light has tidbits of information for you all throughout the blog. You’ll find some goodies on pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, parenting, yoga and so much more.
I wrote a book! You can buy it on Amazon as either a paperback or as a Kindle Book. It’s written for both expectant parents and for doulas and childbirth educators.
Birth Flow: Simple movements and gentle touch to relieve pain and speed labor for a graceful and confident experience.
“The experiences I’ve had at Shining Light this past year have been so enriching, supportive, and an integral part of my positive health and well-being, not to mention the positive health and well-being of my family. I’m sure you know this, but what you do is so invaluable. I deeply appreciate how you teach in such a caring, intelligent, and thoughtful way and how your business connects women to one another, themselves, and their children.
Shining Light is such an excellent model of the way that prenatal and postpartum care should be done. We need more Deena’s and more Shining Lights in this world.
Thank you for being you and for doing what you do.”
“THANK YOU. Your Confident Birthing class turned out to be amazingly helpful.
Not only was I more informed going into my labor, I also felt more empowered which altogether resulted in a very wonderful, empowering and invigorating birth experience for me that has–I believe–directly resulted in a happy healthy baby both at birth and as she grows and develops.”
Just yesterday I presented my birth plan to the OB and she expressed gratitude for being so clear and prepared. She said that she fully supports all of the decisions and preferences I’ve expressed and that she feels especially able to work with me because of it
– all with thanks to you and Shining Light!”
Building empowerment, self-confidence and connection through candid education and compassionate advocacy for all families before, during and after pregnancy since 2012.