Continuing our series with Josh and Amy, I wanted to offer up something simple, but extremely useful for laboring moms. Sometimes, the basics are the best. (I suppose this should have been a video instead of a still photo, but you’ll get the idea of appropriate movements here.) Amy has a couple of choices as […]
Birth Ball Pro-Tips for Labor – Part 2
In part one of this series, we talked about standing postures, with the birth ball (i.e. exercise or yoga ball) on the wall. Here, we continue beyond the seated postures and move into kneeling and using your ball. Kneeling, in a modified child’s pose, leaning over the ball. Josh and Amy are the models here, […]
Rock Your Labor with these Birth Ball Pro-Tips
One of my favorite tools for labor comfort is the birthing ball (i.e. exercise or yoga ball). Most of the time, we envision sitting on the ball during labor. Sitting is comfortable and lovely. However, the ball is one of the most versatile labor comfort tools out there. So, let’s explore two of the most […]
Moving forward and continued services
It’s been quite some time since I’ve dusted off my keyboard and blogged for Shining Light. I wanted to update you on my classes and the studio itself. Since moving out of the Lawrenceville studio and into my home studio in Brighton Heights, classes have been small, but going well. The schedule has been pared […]
How do I know if I need pain medication in labor?
One of the most common questions I hear from my Confident Birthing students is: I’m planning on a natural birth. But, what I want to know is, how do I know if I’ve reached my limit? How do I know if I need pain medication, an epidural, or if I can push through without? My […]