Partner’s Name: Dan
Estimated Due Date: September 9 (I actually went into labor after asking Deena to do this interview and delivered September 7!)
OB, family practice doctor or midwife: OB
Birth location: Hospital
1. What is your favorite thing about being pregnant?
I loved knowing that my baby was entirely protected from the world in my belly. I also loved how my mind went into action right away to prepare for his arrival. Every day, I did everything I needed to do for the big day, whether it be a prenatal appointment or taking a childbirth class, or putting together a crib. You just go into action which I thought was very cool (because there is lots to do!) and in the first trimester, you don’t always feel great, but you push through it. It’s like the moment you become pregnant, you know you have to live for two people.
2. Tell us a bit about how you see your vision for your birth.
After taking the “Confident Childbirth” course at Shining Light, I knew a lot about giving birth and what to expect. BUT, I honestly had no idea what to expect for myself. I had an overall birth plan, but I tried not to expect my birth to go as planned because I heard so many mothers tell me it rarely goes as planned. The only thing I didn’t want was a C-section, so sometimes I would pat my belly and tell my baby that when it came time, we (not just me, but me and my baby together) would have a healthy vaginal birth. (And, we did!)
3. What’s your top self-care tip to handle those no-so-fun moments of pregnancy?
Don’t judge yourself! Just let it all happen and let yourself experience all of it without any embarrassment or guilt. I have a grandmother-figure in my life who told me from the very beginning that everything you feel or do is normal and there isn’t anything that you can do that another woman hasn’t done or won’t do in the future. It’s an incredible process for a baby to grow inside of you, so when something not-so-fun happens, like if you pee your pants a little, just remember that you aren’t doing it in vain!
4. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
The power to snap my fingers and have my house magically clean itself!
5. Why did you choose Shining Light Prenatal Education for your classes?
I actually was referred to Shining Light by Moonglow Yoga, downtown, where I had just started going to right before I got pregnant! I live my life with an attitude that everything happens for a reason, so I love that Shining Light popped into my life without me seeking it out because it gave me SO much confidence for childbirth. I am a notorious worrier and childbirth had me worried, but when the time came, I walked into the hospital knowing every term the doctor used, background on every medicine he brought up that day, and all of the stages of pregnancy.
6. What’s the best part about coming to class here?
The best part about attending Shining Light classes was gaining knowledge. I attended a few classes at Magee Women’s Hospital as well and honestly, they didn’t compare. The classes were small, as well, so it didn’t quite feel like you were back in college, rather that you were connecting with other pregnant mothers in the same boat as you and an instructor who cared about you. I just had my baby this week and I wanted to tell Deena right away. That type of connection doesn’t happen with hospital classes.
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