Gina was gracious enough to respond to our interview questions. She and her husband, Scott have been attending Confident Birthing. She keeps me on my toes in class and has some great questions. Read on! ~Deena
Your name: Gina
Partner’s name: Scott
Estimated due date: Sept. 1, 2013
Care Provider: OB
Location: Hospital
1. What is your favorite thing about being pregnant?
Feeling the baby move inside me is such a surreal feeling that can’t be compared to anything I’ve ever experienced. I feel so connected already to my baby as she kicks and rolls when she hears my voice, her father’s and her favorite tunes.
2. Tell us a bit about how you see your vision for your birth.
I see myself enjoying the process of birth without fear. I understand that labor is hard, and feel that with this expectation I can mentally and spiritually prepare to manage the intensity. I envision a natural birth that concludes with that indescribable moment when Scott and I stare into our newborn’s eyes and fall completely in love.
3. What’s your top self-care tip to handle those no-so-fun moments of pregnancy?
Laughter! The human body is full of surprises. Especially since this is my first pregnancy and I wasn’t sure what to expect with the not-so-fun moments, I smile and laugh. It’s all a part of this beautiful experience. And it’s better to have a positive response than to focus on these moments as anything but a blessing.
4. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
The power to heal. It would be amazing to save people from suffering, and it would bring so much joy to my life to see others pains subside.
5. Why did you choose Shining Light Prenatal Education for your classes?
Family and friends that attended classes at Shining Light had amazing experiences. I was reassured that the classes are led by experienced educators in a welcoming environment filled with acceptance. I also live close by and pass Shining Light every day and hoped that someday as I prepared to become a mom that I could attend the school.
6. What’s the best part about coming to class here?
I feel comfortable at Shining Light. I’m not afraid to ask silly questions in fear of being judged or not having the same opinions as the instructors or classmates. After every class I feel more confident and ready to embrace being a first time mom.
I unfortunately was too tired to do prenatal yoga. My iron levels dropped significantly. But I did try out the Mommy & Me class once before. I thought it would be chaotic, but it was very calming!