What if you could shorten your labor by up to an hour or more and reduce your risk for c-section by 30% by doing one thing during labor?
What if I told you this one thing was free, easy and helped you manage your pain and discomfort as well?
What if I told you this one thing was approved and suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO)?
What if I told you I teach this one thing in every Confident Birthing class and every Prenatal Yoga class? In fact, it’s kind of my specialty…
Infographic courtesy of Lamaze International.
I walked and kneeled and stood for the last 12 hours of my 20 hour labor!! The nurses couldn’t understand why I wouldn’t get in the bed and lay down. I danced and waddled with my husband right up until my water broke minutes before pushing. I only wish I could have stayed upright through pushing and delivery but I was tired and scared! But I know walking saved me hours and allowed me to deliver naturally without pain medication! To God be the glory!
With my first child I had a c-section.
With my second child, I had a lovely homebirth. I spent my labour partly walking around, partly resting in between contractions and jumping up as a contraction approached, standing, holding onto a doorframe and moving my hips and partly in water, in a bathtub moving from side to side, as it was too small – I wish I had had a proper birth pool and more space for movement and more water to cover me completely, as the water provided amazing pain relief. Both the water and moving around freely as needed helped me immensely. For the birth I climbed out of the bathtub, as there was not enough space in it. I kneeled in front of the tub, leaning over it, and birthed my little one. It was amazing.